
-Eye's Examination-

We review the overall health of eye including the anterior segment (lids, lashes, cornea, conjunctiva, iris pupil and lens) as well as the posterior segment (retina, optic nerve, macula, arteries/veins and vitreous) to check for common eye diseases. The typical eye exam can take between 30 – 45 minutes depending on the health of your eyes and whether you need corrective

  • Visual acuity examination

Visual acuity is the eye's ability to detect fine details and is the quantitative measure of the eye's ability to see an in-focus image at a certain distance. The standard definition of normal visual acuity (20/20 or 6/6 vision) is the ability to resolve a spatial pattern separated by a visual angle of one minute of arc. The terms 20/20 and 6/6 are derived from standardized sized objects that can be seen by a "person of normal vision" at the specified distance.

  • Slit lamp examination

Slit lamp machine which is close inspection of the anterior eye structures and ocular adnexa are often done. A small beam of light that can be varied in width, height, incident angle, orientation and color, is passed over the eye. Often, this light beam is narrowed into a vertical "slit", during slit-lamp examination. The examiner views the illuminated ocular structures, through an optical system that magnifies the image of the eye. This allows inspection of all the ocular media, from cornea to vitreous, plus magnified view of eyelids, and other external ocular related structures. Fluorescein staining before slit lamp examination may reveal corneal abrasions or herpes simplex infection.